HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

It seems like the world of athletics has become even more hypercompetitive over the last decade, so it stands to reason that athletes are also looking for an edge in their training and recovery programs. Rest, ice and compression may work for amateur athletes, but if you’re really looking to speed up your recovery or do away with post-athletic soreness, you should consider leaning on the recent advancements of modern medicine. Below, we take a closer look at three different ways that modern medicine is helping athletes recover faster following intense physical activity.

Modern Athlete Recovery Techniques

Many of our wellness and rejuvenation techniques prove helpful for patients dealing with a host of different health issues, from sleep deprivation and fatigue to joint pain and skin issues, but they can be particularly helpful for the recovering athlete. Let’s explore three modern recovery techniques that we administer to athletes on a regular basis.

  • The Power Of Magnetism – One technique that really helps to speed up the recovery process is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, or PEMF for short. The therapy technique works by sending small amounts of pulsed electromagnetic energy to specific areas of your body that are injured or working to recover after physical exertion. Exposure to these specific electromagnetic waves initiates certain biological cellular processes that aid in the recovery process. PEMF has been shown to improve circulation, decrease inflammation and decrease pain in key areas like our joints. Inflammation is a natural response to stress, but it can also end up restricting motion and fluid movement in and out of an area. By improving circulation and naturally limiting inflammation onset, your body won’t have as much restrictive or uncomfortable inflammation slowing down the recovery process. This non-invasive technique, like the others you’ll read about, helps your body recover not at the surface, but rather heals your body from the inside out at the cellular level.
  • Enhanced Oxygen – We all need oxygen to live and breathe, but what if we could hypercharge the air we breathe so that our body can have purer air with every breath you take? That’s the science behind Exercise with Oxygen Therapy, or EWOT. During EWOT training, you will run or walk on a treadmill while hooked up to a breathing apparatus that delivers highly-concentrated oxygen to your lungs. When we’re exercising, our lungs and muscles need more oxygen to function properly, and this technique ends up adding more oxygen to the bloodstream which can be absorbed by the structures that need it most. A few 15-minute EWOT sessions can significantly help to improve muscle development, lung function, conditioning, endurance and blood circulation, all of which are essential for peak athletic performance.
  • Red Light Therapy – The final technique we’ll touch on is one of the most popular rejuvenation techniques at HyperCharge Clinic, and that’s red light therapy. Red light therapy is a wellness technique that delivers light energy at specific wavelengths deep into your body. This light energy is then used to help fuel different cellular processes and ensures the cell itself can function more efficiently. When a cell is functioning optimally, it can more easily perform repair processes or other essential functions critical to overall body wellness. Red light therapy has been proven to improve circulation and aid in muscle recovery, which can greatly reduce soreness and overall fatigue following a workout or game.

Don’t just throw an ice pack on your arm or thigh after a grueling game or after a long tournament in the sun over the weekend. Instead, let modern medicine go to work for you and take your recovery ability to the next level. To learn more about any of the above techniques we talked about above, or to book your first introductory session with HyperCharge Clinic, reach out to our team today at (952) 600-5429.