HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

5 Reasons You’re So Tired All The Time

Healthy sleeping woman

Are you struggling to keep your eyes open at your desk after lunch? Do you find yourself nodding off on the couch in the evening or craving another hour of sleep when you wake up in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. We all feel tired at different points throughout our day, but do […]

Get Your Blood Pressure Under Control With HyperCharge Clinic

Doctor and patient

Blood pressure is one of the most common measurements that is taken by a healthcare provider to learn more about your cardiac and overall health. Your blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood throughout the body, and it’s recorded as two numbers, systolic […]

How To Be The CEO Of Your Own Health

Board meeting

Many of us will never get to be a CEO in the corporate world, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll never find yourself in a position where you are the ultimate decision maker. In fact, you’re already a CEO, even if you don’t know it. You are the CEO and decision maker when it comes […]

How To Naturally Improve Your Own Cellular Health


We talk a lot about cellular health and cell rejuvenation on this blog because we strongly believe in working to heal the body from the inside out. Instead of treating the symptoms of a health issue, we aim to give your body the tools to overcome the underlying problem and prevent it from returning down […]

How Modern Medicine Is Helping Athletes Recover Faster

Athletic performance improvement

It seems like the world of athletics has become even more hypercompetitive over the last decade, so it stands to reason that athletes are also looking for an edge in their training and recovery programs. Rest, ice and compression may work for amateur athletes, but if you’re really looking to speed up your recovery or […]

Healthy Ways To Kick A Caffeine Habit

Yoga for circulation

Millions of Americans start their morning with a cup of coffee or sip on an energy drink to get them through the end of the workday, and when consumed in moderation, caffeine won’t have an overly large impact on your body and your health. The problem begins when people consume too much caffeine, especially when […]

5 Healthy Outlets For Stress Relief

Woman running with energy on the beach

We all deal with stress in our daily lives, and we’ve never met a single person who is completely and totally stress free. Stress is a natural part of life, but if you don’t learn to deal with it in an appropriate way, it can contribute to physical, mental and emotional issues. It’s incredibly important […]

Why It Pays To Be SMART About Your Health And Fitness Goals

photo of healthcare

Whether you’re hoping to start the new year off right or you’re decided that it’s time to become a healthier version of yourself, the best way to do that is to set some goals for yourself. Setting fitness goals isn’t always easy, and if you don’t do it right, you may actually be setting yourself […]

How To Keep Those Health-Focused Resolutions In The New Year

Hypercharge clinic team

2023 is coming to a close, and if you’re like most people, you have some big plans in store for 2024. If you want to become a stronger and healthier version of yourself in the new year, know that it won’t happen by accident. The majority of people who set health-based resolutions give up on […]

What Is Your Metabolism And How To Improve It?

Woman Running

Your metabolism is a series of processes that controls how your body creates and uses energy. If you’re someone who is trying to lose weight or be more energized throughout the day, having a healthy metabolism is crucial. A number of different factors contribute to your body’s metabolism, and while genetics certainly play a role, […]