Join us at HyperCharge™ Clinics, a trailblazing clinic where innovative technology meets the timeless wisdom of nature. This powerful synergy redefines the limits of human performance, recovery, and longevity.

(PBM) Whole-Body Photobiomodulation
Also known as "Red Light Therapy," is the apex of PBM technology. Red light therapy uses specific light wavelengths to trigger a bio-stimulatory response on your cells enhancing function and promoting accelerated healing.
Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)
This innovative oxygen therapy ensures maximum cellular utilization by infusing your cells with highly concentrated oxygen which promotes cell function and enhances immunity while blood flow is at its maximum.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
PEMF is a revolutionary wellness modality that utilizes soothing pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate and exercise the body's cells. This therapeutic device delivers a series of magnetic frequencies which dynamically interact with the cellular metabolism. The use of PEMF is scientifically proven to increase blood circulation, cellular response, tissue oxygenation, cellular detoxification, nitrification and regeneration of bone and soft tissue.
NanoVi Structured Water
Not as well known as some of the other modalities, is a favorite of athletes and biohackers. It is well documented that all bodily functions are carried out by proteins; and NanoVi positively impacts the consistency and arrangement of cellular protein folding. Mineral water vapor is also touted to reduce blood lactate buildup during workouts leading to faster muscle recovery, improved immunity, markers, as well as reduce inflammation.
Class IV Laser Treatment
Our top-of-the-line Class IV CureWave laser ensures deep penetration and optimal therapeutic effects down past the musculature into the bone and joints to provide an extreme therapeutic result. The number one choice for injury and surgical recovery, the Class IV laser generates a photochemical response at the cellular level, increasing circulation and cellular energy, while also reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. It is often used to treat acute and chronic conditions and post activity recovery by athletes. Those struggling with various stages of arthritis or other degenerative disease may also find relief. Class IV delivers up to 1,500 times more energy than lesser laser options.

Treatment Benefits

Body and Mind Restoration through Cellular HyperCharge™

HyperCharge Clinic is advancing a new approach to revitalized health, enhanced wellness, recovery, anti-aging and disease management. By targeting the “powerhouse” of our cells – the mitochondria – with non-invasive therapies such as Class IV laser, red light therapy and much more, we are pioneering a new era of precision medicine that promotes faster healing, pain relief, wellness, and human performance. As a physician founded clinic we strive to bring the most powerful and effective wellness modalities to restore cellular vitality and health.

Cellular Rejuvenation. Back Pain Relief. Reduced Inflammation. Joint Pain Relief. Custom Energy & Wellness. Athletic Recovery & Performance. Elevate Brain Health. Post-Surgical Recovery. Performance Redefined for Busy People. Injury Management & Rehabilitation. Migraine Management. Transform Pain Management. Sleep Enhancement. Chronic Disease Management. Post-Covid Management. Mental Health/Clarity. Muscle Health.

Healing Services

HyperCharge™ Human Performance and Recovery Clinics: The Pinnacle of Modern Wellness

HyperCharge™ Clinics:  The epitome of what advanced non-invasive healthcare should represent. Here’s what sets us apart:

Physician Led Excellence

Our clinics are directed by a team of physicians and the other cofounders who are trainers and scientists. Leadership of this stature ensures an unmatched depth of knowledge, diagnosis accuracy, and treatment precision. When you seek care from HyperCharge™ Clinic, you engage with top-tier medical experts who testify to our commitment to unparalleled healthcare.

Targeted Cell Revitalization

Targeted cell revitalization procedures that are structured to help your specific issue:  Whether you are suffering from a sports injury, recovering from surgery or migraine headaches, our variety of modalities are synergistically delivered based on its ability. This measured delivery crafts a “recipe” of healing that will maximize the inherent power of the mitochondria in your body and restore your body to reclaim its lost potential. 

Measuring Your Progress

We measure your progress using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools: Our three-pronged analytic approach — microvascular function testing, mitochondrial biogenesis analysis, and scientifically validated patient questionnaires create an unparalleled framework for tracking each client’s healing progress.

Glossary of Terminology

Analgesic effects: Pain relief.

Anaerobic respiration: The process which releases energy from glucose and other foods without the presence of oxygen.

Blood circulation: The movement of blood through the vessels of the body.

Cellular detoxification: The process of removing toxins from cells.

Cellular function: The processes that occur within a cell to maintain life.

Chronic condition:A long-term medical condition that requires ongoing management.

Class IV Laser Therapy:A non-invasive treatment that uses light energy to stimulate healing and reduce pain.

Eukaryotic cells: Cells that have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Lactate buildup: The accumulation of lactate in the body due to anaerobic respiration.

Light wavelengths: The different colors of light that are visible to the human eye.

Magnetic frequencies: The frequencies of magnetic fields used in magnetic therapy.

Microvascular function testing: A test that measures how well blood flows through small blood vessels.

Mitochondria: Organelles found in most eukaryotic cells that produce energy for the cell.

Mitochondrial biogenesis analysis: A test that measures the number and size of mitochondria in cells.

Mitochondria dysfunction: A condition where mitochondria are not functioning properly.

Non-invasive: Not requiring surgery or other invasive procedures.

Oxidative stress: An imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body that can lead to cell damage and disease.

Photochemical response: The response of cells to light energy.

Red Light therapy: A non-invasive treatment that uses red light to stimulate healing and reduce pain.

Structure oxygen water vapor: The structure of water vapor molecules containing oxygen atoms.

State-of-the-Art Technologies: 

While many establishments may tout advanced technology, we at HyperCharge provide nothing less than the absolute zenith in therapeutic devices.

Whole-Body Photobiomodulation (PBM): Also known as “Red Light Therapy,” is the apex of PBM technology. Red light therapy uses specific light wavelengths to trigger a bio-stimulatory response on your cells enhancing function and promoting accelerated healing.

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT): This innovative oxygen therapy ensures maximum cellular utilization by infusing your cells with highly concentrated oxygen which promotes cell function and enhances immunity while blood flow is at its maximum.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF): PEMF is a revolutionary wellness modality that utilizes soothing pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells. This therapeutic device delivers a series of magnetic frequencies which dynamically interact with the cellular metabolism. The use of PEMF is scientifically proven to increase blood circulation, cellular response, tissue oxygenation, cellular detoxification, nitrification and regeneration of bone and soft tissue.

NanoVi Structured Water Therapy: Not as well known as some of the other modalities, is a favorite of athletes and biohackers. It is well documented that all bodily functions are carried out by proteins; and NanoVi positively impacts the consistency and arrangement of cellular protein folding. Mineral water vapor is also touted to reduce blood lactate buildup during workouts leading to faster muscle recovery, improved immunity, markers, as well as reduce inflammation.

Class IV Laser: Our top-of-the-line Class IV CureWave laser ensures deep penetration and optimal therapeutic effects down past the musculature into the bone and joints to provide an extreme therapeutic result. The number one choice for injury and surgical recovery, the Class IV laser generates a photochemical response at the cellular level, increasing circulation and cellular energy, while also reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. It is often used to treat acute and chronic conditions and post activity recovery by athletes. Those struggling with various stages of arthritis or other degenerative disease may also find relief. Class IV delivers up to 1,500 times more energy than lesser laser options.

Measuring Your Progress

Glycocheck Device: GlycoCheck is an avant-garde tool, a device who which is designed to give a detailed view into the microvascular structure within and provide tangible, insightful metrics into our cellular health.

Precision Mitochondrial Analysis: Our use of precision testing to evaluate mitochondrial function in tandem with the HyperCharge™ 5 Pillars is a groundbreaking methodology that is specific to HyperCharge Clinics.

Scientifically Validated Patient Questionnaires: We personally interview and provide questionnaires to learn how you feel and compare that to the data in order to better fine tune the modalities for your issues and maximize your progress.

Why HyperCharge™ Clinic?

The below synergistic blend of therapeutic methods harnesses the power of your body to heal itself through the wonders of neuroscience.

Transcranial Red-Light Therapy: A non-invasive treatment that uses red light to stimulate and rejuvenate brain cells. TRLT benefits include: memory enhancement, sharper focus, sleep optimization, pain relief and enhanced athletic prowess.

Neurofeedback: A type of biofeedback that uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function. The harmony of the brain can have imbalances leading to cognitive and emotional misalignments, Neurofeedback guides the brain back into synchronized balance.

Vibroacoustic Therapy: A type of therapy that uses sound waves to stimulate healing. Science is clear, every cell, tissue and organ has a frequency. Use of this modality promotes stress reduction, pain management, healing, cognitive boost and deeper relaxation.

NuCalm Therapy: A system that uses neuroacoustic software and light-blocking eye masks to help people relax and reduce stress. it is also known to help with attention and memory, provide a cognitive boost when there is mild impairment and optimized cognitive function in healthy adults.

Our Technology

Pain-free, non-invasive solutions for health concerns normally solved through surgery or rehabilitation.

Navigating the Digital Health Revolution Data becomes the keystone of medical innovation in our era of advancement, where technology evolves at lightning speed. Our advanced AI platforms unveil patterns and insights as we sift through a deluge of patient data. Through the power of machine learning, we continuously iterate and customize our treatment protocols, ensuring they’re not only effective but also intrinsically aligned with individual health intricacies.

Our arsenal of therapies includes Red Light Therapy, Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), NanoVi technology, and Class IV Laser Therapy. Combined, these therapies aim to supercharge your cellular health at the most fundamental level – your mitochondria. The result? A chain reaction of benefits, including enhanced energy, rapid healing, reduced inflammation, and overall improvement in your health and wellbeing.

We partner with leading edge vendors to bring the best of the best to our patients.

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Regaining Strength
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The Road to Healing
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Rising from the Fall
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Beyond The Stiffness
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From Fracture To Flourish
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Rising Above The Pain

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      Maple Grove

      7270 Forestview Lane
      Maple Grove, MN 55369


      Eden Prairie

      11455 Viking Drive, Suite 270
      Eden Prairie, MN 55344
