HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Woman with headache
The place to go for migraines & headaches

I am sharing this to let people know that if you are suffering with headaches or migraines, HyperCharge is the place to go.

Two and half months ago, I walked into a glass wall and hit my head pretty hard. Everyday since, I have had bad headaches, to the point I just needed to lie down after work. Taking Tylenol and ibuprofen as often as I could, just to get through the day. I went to HCC on Friday and again today. My headaches are pretty much gone. I have not had to take any medication since Friday! I am sleeping better and feel so good. I also have long-covid brain fog and it helped with that as well. It truly has been life changing. We haven’t been able to do much socially because I always had a headache, but I was able to go to the fair yesterday and enjoy it headache free. HyperCharge is an amazing place.

—Dawn Christensen

NanoVi helps Matthew Boyd, MLB Pitcher
Matthew Boyd, MLB Pitcher

“It would be tough to return to the kind of recovery I had before using the NanoVi. It would be significantly different. I would have to pull back on the reins with working out and training… I wouldn’t go anywhere without my NanoVi. I have tried other recovery machines and nothing gets me back to a game-ready state and keeps me healthy like NanoVi. It is faster than anything I have used before. I recommend it to anyone, not just to athletes!”

—Matthew Boyd

Donna Gates, founder of Body Ecology, health consultant, author
Donna Gates (Founder of Body Ecology, Health Consultant & Author) loves NanoVi

“I have watched people literally grow younger or recover very quickly when using their NanoVi devices… The NanoVi can help stimulate skin renewal, regulates sleep, and supports overall health by helping the body to better utilize oxygen. When used regularly, this convenient at-home device supports anti-aging in the body and in the skin. The NanoVi may also improve vitality and support better mental and physical performance — all by aiding in cellular repair… Deep, restful sleep is essential for rejuvenation and healing — and also for beautiful skin. Great for use in a spa or skincare salon, the NanoVi initiates skin strengthening at the cellular level, improving the body’s own ability to address oxidative damage and to repair damage from outside sources that is unavoidable.”

—Donna Gates