HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Exercise is great for your body, but you may be surprised to learn all of the ways that exercise improves your overall health. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at all of the benefits of regular exercise, and we explain how the team at HyperCharge Clinic can take those benefits one step further.

The Benefits Of Exercise

Exercise helps your body in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of the ways you stand to become healthier as a result of regular exercise.

  • Boosted Immunity – Research has found that exercise can stimulate cellular immunity by increasing the circulation of immune cells in your body, which helps your body detect foreign invaders more easily and snuff them out sooner.
  • Boosted Body Temp – Exercise also slightly raises your body temperature, which may help to prevent bacteria from growing, similar to how your body temperature rises with a fever in an attempt to kill off an infection.
  • Wards Off Health Issues – Exercise has been linked to a reduced likelihood of a variety of health conditions, like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Stress Relief – Exercise can act as a natural stress reliever, and stress can negatively affect your body and your cells. Good stress management is important for your overall health.
  • Inflammation Control – Although exercise can lead to short-term inflammation, exercise helps to keep your immune system working correctly, ensuring that it can appropriately respond to inflammation when it develops.
  • Improved Sleep – Exercise has been shown to make it easier for people to fall into a healthy circadian rhythm, and sleep health is closely tied to your overall health.

So while it’s no surprise that exercise is great for your health, you may be surprised to learn that we can help to take the benefits of exercise to the next level. At HyperCharge Clinic, we have a number of rejuvenation techniques at our disposal that can make it easier for you to exercise or to help you reap the full benefits of exercise.

For example, we can use light therapy in the form of Class IV laser therapy or whole body photobiomodulation to help your body recover faster after exercise so that soreness and muscle fatigue doesn’t keep you from being active in the days that follow. Or we can use EWOT, which stands for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, to deliver concentrated oxygen to your lungs while you exercise, which pushes your muscles further and helps you make bigger gains in a shorter amount of time. We want to help you maximize the benefits of your exercise routine.

To learn more about how our rejuvenation techniques can help take your exercise routine to the next level, or for more information about any specific technique, reach out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic today at (763) 717-8745.