HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Your metabolism is a series of processes that controls how your body creates and uses energy. If you’re someone who is trying to lose weight or be more energized throughout the day, having a healthy metabolism is crucial.

A number of different factors contribute to your body’s metabolism, and while genetics certainly play a role, some people incorrectly believe that there is nothing that can be done to influence their metabolism and they were simply dealt the hand they received. You may have heard people say they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight because they have a fast metabolism, while others blame weight gain on a slowing metabolism. The fact is that other controllable factors also influence your metabolism, so you have more control over your metabolism than you may realize. In today’s blog, we share some tips for improving or speeding up your metabolism.

Understanding Metabolism And How To Improve It

At the most basic level, metabolism is the process by which your body gets energy from the food sources that you put into it. It can be broken down further into two distinct processes, anabolism and catabolism.

  • Anabolism – The process responsible for storing energy, supporting new cells and maintaining body tissues.
  • Catabolism – The process responsible for breaking down energy to power, heat, move and energize your body.

When these processes are working properly, you are storing and consuming energy at a similar rate. However, if your metabolism slows and you end up consuming too many calories, that energy has nowhere to go and is stored as fat, leading to weight gain. For individuals looking to maintain their weight, lose some weight or simply become more energized throughout the day, having a healthy metabolism is important.

There are a number of ways you can work to improve your metabolism. Odds are you won’t see major changes overnight, but if you consistently work to make improvements in these aspects of your life, you’ll be laying the groundwork for improved metabolic processes in your body:

  • Increased Exercise/Activity – One of the best things you can do if you’re looking to boost your metabolism is to exercise regularly. When you aren’t that active, you have lower energy needs, and your body ends up storing more energy in the form of fat. However, if you push yourself to be physically active, your body will need to rely on these stored energy sources or metabolize energy from food sources faster, which can speed up your metabolism.
  • Improved Diet – There is no perfect food that you can eat to miraculously bolster your metabolism, but again it’s about establishing new habits that will gradually improve bodily processes over time. A diet full of essential vitamins and minerals, lean proteins, good carbohydrates and a reasonable amount of calories can make it easier for your body to break down food into energy and use it for necessary processes.
  • Better Sleep – Sleep helps your body regulate your blood sugar or glucose levels. Lack of sleep can negatively affect your blood glucose and your energy levels. Regularly achieving restful periods of extended sleep can improve your metabolism and your glucose levels.
  • Rejuvenation Treatment – Finally, the team at Hypercharge Clinic can also help you boost your metabolism. We offer a number of different rejuvenation techniques that can improve cell function, which is essential for carrying out numerous bodily processes, including the breakdown of food sources into energy. From whole body photobiomodulation to exercise with oxygen therapy, we can help you become healthier on a cellular level so that body processes can normalize or improve.

For more information on how we can help improve your metabolism or help you find more energy throughout the day, connect with the team at HyperCharge Clinic today.