HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

The average life expectancy is over 75 years old for men and over 80 years old for women, but whether we live long past those numbers or not isn’t something you should leave up to chance. And while you obviously can’t have total control over your health and your life expectancy, there are a number of things you can do to greatly increase your likelihood of living a long and healthy life. In today’s blog, we share five simple ways you can adjust your daily lifestyle to increase your odds of a longer life expectancy.

The Keys To Living Longer

Some of these tips are pretty obvious ways to stay healthy, while others are pretty easy to overlook unless you’re really into a health and wellness routine. Here’s what you should be doing if you want to give yourself the best chance to live longer.

  • Regular Exercise – Being active and pursuing regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body and your health. Exercise builds muscles, helps keep key joints stable, pushes healthy oxygenated blood to structures that need it most and makes it easier for you to maintain an ideal weight. Strive to find an exercise routine that works for you that you can perform 3-5 times a week. It’s also a good idea to vary your exercise habits a bit so that you work different muscle groups and avoid overstressing the same areas.
  • Healthy Diet – Our body gets a host of essential vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat, and these nutrients also play a key role in a number of bodily processes. When we’re getting the right amount of nutrients, processes like cell repair, bone growth and hormone production occur more easily. When we’re nutrient-deficient, it’s harder for our body to perform these key processes, and our overall health can suffer as a result. Strive to eat a healthy diet full of leafy vegetables, vitamin-rich fruits, lean proteins and whole grains to ensure your body has access to a range of essential nutrients.
  • Quality Sleep – At HyperCharge Clinic, we oftentimes talk about recharging the human battery, and while we’ll dive into how our rejuvenation techniques can improve your life expectancy below, recharging your human battery is essentially what’s happening when you work to achieve high quality sleep. Sleep is a restorative process for your brain and body that also provides a time when waste products and other debris can be removed from our bloodstream. Falling into a healthy circadian rhythm can ensure your body can fully recover from the rigors of the previous day and get ready for the stress that’s to come in the new day. If you’re constantly working with a sleep deficit, your body may not be able to fully recover each day, and that can increase your odds of pain, injury and overall fatigue. Improving your sleep health can improve your overall health and play a role in your life expectancy.
  • Avoid Unhealthy Habits – Being healthy isn’t always about getting more exercise or consuming the right foods, sometimes it’s about avoiding unhealthy habits. Two big ones that come to mind are smoking and alcohol consumption. Both of these habits can inhibit healthy blood circulation, harm essential organs and increase your risk of certain health conditions like cancer or a stroke, both of which can bring your life to an end in short order. Remember that it’s never too late to kick unhealthy habits.
  • Target Your Cellular Health – As we talk about on this blog with regular frequency, our cell health is essentially a microcosm of our total body health. When your cells are energized, they can better perform essential processes like new cell creation and tissue repair. When your cells aren’t working optimally, they struggle to perform these necessary functions, and your overall health can decline. But how can you improve the health of your cells? Through one of our rejuvenation techniques! Treatments like whole body photobiomodulation or laser therapy can send light waves deep into specific areas of our body, and these light waves interact with a particular area of our cells to stimulate a process that essentially helps the cell become more energized. This energy helps to fuel necessary cell functions. If you really want to improve your chances of living a longer life, find ways to optimize your cell health, and that’s what we specialize in at HyperCharge Clinic.

We want to help you live longer, and we know you can if you take the leap and learn more about the rejuvenation and wellness treatments we offer at HyperCharge Clinic. To book your first session, or to learn more about any of our wellness techniques, reach out to our team today.