HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Whether you’re working to overcome an injury, treat a chronic condition or recover after a surgical procedure, it’s very rare that your doctor will prescribe just one treatment to fully address the underlying issue. They aren’t just going to tell you to take a prescription or improve your diet, they are going to have you pursue multiple treatments in hopes of enhancing the effects of others. That’s the same vision we have at HyperCharge Clinic. We believe that our rejuvenation techniques blend perfectly with traditional treatment plans to help patients recover faster and to a fuller extent. Below, we explain why complementary treatments through HyperCharge can help you get the most out of your recovery journey.

The Benefits Of Complementary Medicine

We believe that many of the treatment techniques that we offer at HyperCharge can help to improve the effects of your standard course of treatment. Here’s why techniques like Class IV Laser Therapy, Whole Body Photobiomodulation and Exercise With Oxygen Therapy can be a perfect complement to a conservative treatment program that likely involves a healthy dose of rest, physical therapy and a gradual reintroduction to physical activities.

  • Improved Circulation – When your tissues have improved access to healthy, oxygenated blood, they can more easily have access to essential nutrients that aid in the recovery process. Most of our treatment techniques help to bolster your circulation naturally to bring more blood to the structures that need it most. Physical therapy or standard exercise physically challenge your muscles and joints, and they need plenty of healthy blood to continue to function optimally. Tissues will be able to handle stress and recover faster when your circulation is improved.
  • Cell Health Recovery – The health of our body really comes down to the health of our cells, and techniques like Whole Body Photobiomodulation and Class IV Laser Therapy work by energizing your cells and improving cellular function. Your cells effectively transform light into mechanical energy, and when they are more energized, they can perform a number of processes more easily. They’ll be able to create new cells or repair damaged tissue more efficiently, which is the backbone of the recovery process.
  • Decreased Inflammation – Another major benefit of Whole Body Photobiomodulation and Class IV Laser Therapy is that energized and optimized cells can better control inflammation that is a natural part of the recovery process. Inflammation is a natural response to physical trauma as the body works to protect areas from additional stress, but too much inflammation can actually hinder the recovery process because fluids can’t move as easily in and out of an area. You push your body during physical therapy, and inflammation can be a natural response that inadvertently slows down the healing process. By working to control inflammation, you can ensure that tissue recovery continues to progress as needed so that you can keep seeking out the benefits of exercise and PT.
  • Non-Addictive – Medications can play a crucial role in your recovery process, but the potential side effects of opioids have been well documented. Addiction and overdose are real concerns associated with prolonged opioid use, but our rejuvenation techniques can help you become less reliant on medications for pain relief. By boosting circulation, controlling inflammation and boosting cellular function, we give your body the tools it needs to naturally control pain sensations. We hope you keep coming back to HyperCharge when you need us, but there is no risk of addiction!
  • Overcoming Roadblocks – Finally, it’s pretty common for patients to run into roadblocks on their journey to recovery after an injury or surgery. If you’re only pursuing one treatment technique, it’s easier for your progress to slow or stop. By pairing your current treatment regimen with complementary techniques, it’s less likely that your progress will stall because you’ll be attacking the problem from all different angles. If your PT sessions are hitting a wall because you’re taking on greater challenges and you’re dealing with inflammation or feeling the physical effects of your efforts, our techniques can help quell inflammation and promote faster tissue recovery. Some of the normal obstacles to traditional recovery are less likely to cause problems if you compliment your traditional treatments with our proven techniques.

So if you want to take your recovery to the next level, or you simply want to experience some of the benefits we laid out above, consider setting up your first appointment with the team at HyperCharge Clinic today.