HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

At HyperCharge Clinic, we help patients fast track their recovery or boost their body’s ability to repair or power itself. We do this at the cellular level through a number of different techniques. We’ve already blogged about the wonderful benefits of techniques like Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, Class IV Laser Therapy and PEMF Therapy to name a few, but instead of using this blog to explain another type of treatment, we want to focus on who could benefit from these types of rejuvenation techniques. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at who stands to benefit from rejuvenation therapy by talking about some of the types of clients we see most.

Is Rejuvenation Therapy Right For Me?

At the most basic level, we feel that rejuvenation therapy techniques could prove beneficial for the vast majority of adults. The mitochondria that power our cells and body start to function less optimally as we get older, but we can use a variety of rejuvenation techniques to energize our mitochondria and improve their overall function. So while these techniques can have amazing benefits for anyone who is feeling more fatigued or having difficulty with certain cognitive processes, some types of clients that we see more frequently include:

  • Athletes – Athletes push their bodies to the brink on a regular basis, and while exercise is good for your mitochondrial health, the physical stress of athletics can leave you feeling sore and in need of normal tissue repair. By boosting mitochondrial function, we can help to naturally boost your body’s ability to repair itself on a cellular level, getting you back in the game sooner or making it easier to have more energy when your opponent is running out of gas.
  • Post Surgery – If you recently underwent an elective procedure, odds are you have weeks of recovery in front of you, but we can help speed up this process. Again, by targeting the cell’s powerhouse, we can help make it easier for your body to recover from the trauma of surgery. When mitochondria are energized and functioning optimally, tissue repair occurs faster.
  • Cognitive Decline – Cognitive issues are incredibly common as we get older. If you feel like you’re experiencing brain fog, finding it hard to concentrate, having a hard time remembering details or are simply feeling tired and unmotivated, these issues could be tied to mitochondrial dysfunction. Let us help you stay sharp long into your golden years through mitochondrial rejuvenation.
  • Chronic Headaches/Diseases – If you suffer frequent headaches, on and off migraines or are dealing with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia or idiopathic pain, you may be the perfect candidate for rejuvenation techniques. Our non-invasive rejuvenation techniques can help your body understand how to better manage the stressors that are leading to your discomfort.
  • Post-Covid – Finally, while we’re still learning about the long-term effects of COVID-19, it’s clear that many individuals are still dealing with physical issues long after the virus has been fought off. Cognitive issues are commonly cited in patients dealing with “Long Covid,” and as we mentioned above, rejuvenation therapy can be great at fighting back against cognitive decline. If you fought off the coronavirus but feel like you’re just not back to your energy levels or brain function of old, consider connecting with the team at HyperCharge Clinic.

Whether you fall into one of these categories or not, we want to help you if you are dealing with an issue that can be addressed through one of our rejuvenation techniques. For more information, or for answers to any questions you may have, reach out to our team today at (763) 717-8745.