HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

They say that time heals all wounds, but time alone certainly doesn’t lead to the best recovery after an injury. Your body does a tremendous job of helping itself heal after a physical injury, but one thing it can’t do on its own is get you back to a pre-injury level of strength and function. If you’re hoping to recover after an injury or surgical procedure, know that you won’t find the best results by sitting on the couch and letting time pass. In today’s blog, we share a few tips for making the strongest recovery after an injury or surgery.

Proactive Recovery Is The Key To Speedy Rehabilitation

It’s easy to fall into passive treatment techniques after an injury or surgery because they take little effort and oftentimes do help to minimize the symptoms you’re dealing with. Rest can alleviate discomfort caused by physical exertion, ice can help to control swelling and anti-inflammatory medications can help to quell pain and inflammation. Yes, rest and activity avoidance can be a critical component of the recovery process, but it can’t be the treatment technique you lean on the most.

At some point, you’re going to need to push your body physically to become stronger, to increase structure stability, to restore range of motion and to improve overall fitness and function. Rest alone can’t do that, but if you pair rest with one or more of the following techniques, there’s a good chance that you’ll make a stronger recovery:

Physical Therapy

The most popular proactive treatment recommendation after most surgeries or injuries is physical therapy. PT involves carefully constructed exercises that challenge specific areas of your body in different ways. Physical therapists can target individual joints or muscle groups to improve overall function, and best of all, because these techniques are administered by a professional, there’s a decreased likelihood that the stress you’re putting on your body during these exercises will lead to a setback. Physical therapy is one of the single best things you can do to strengthen different areas of your body that have been weakened as a result of injury or surgery.


Exercise is great for your body at all times, but it can be especially helpful if you’re working your way back from surgery or after an injury. Exercise is inherently less targeted than physical therapy, which has its benefits and drawbacks. You may not experience as much specific injury recovery by pursuing some low-impact exercises, but you will be working on other areas of your fitness, like your endurance, stamina and other muscle development, all of which are important if you’re hoping to return to certain physical activities. Just make sure you’re not putting too much stress on your recovering body during exercise.

Rejuvenation Therapy

Finally, one technique that many people find extremely helpful when they are working their way towards a healthier version of themselves is to partake in a rejuvenation therapy program through HyperCharge Clinic. At HyperCharge, we offer a number of different cellular restoration programs that aim to help your body recover from the inside out. Some of the techniques that can improve your cell health, reduce pain, boost circulation and create an ideal environment for tissue healing to take place include:

  • Class IV Laser Therapy
  • Whole Body Photobiomodulation
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
  • Exercise With Oxygen Therapy
  • NanoVi Structured Water

Those five cellular wellness programs make up the five pillars of the HyperCharge recovery program, and we’d be happy to match a therapeutic technique to your individual needs. By creating an ideal environment for healing to take place, we can recover faster and more completely than by going through a standard recovery program alone. Let us enhance your recovery so that you can get back to doing all the activities you love sooner.

For more information about speeding up your recovery after an injury or surgery, or to learn more about any of the five pillars of HyperCharge Clinic, give our team a call today at (952) 600-5429.