HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic


Did you know that the Global Disease Burden of Neurological Conditions exceeds $16 Trillion and is annually compounding?  Are you aware that Alzheimer’s and Dementia are set to consume all of Medicare alone by 2050, bankrupting the healthcare system?

What’s a doctor to do? Funny, you might ask. My name is Dr. Daniel Sipple, and I am a member of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SMBT), a global neuroscience think tank.  https://www.worldbrainmapping.org/

SBMT has collectively known that many solutions to these and other neurological conditions already exist.  The issue is not only technology; it’s getting existing tech to market responsibly. The distribution system and developmental ecosystem in the United States focuses on producing research over getting solutions to the market.  SBMT initiative of $500 Million US Department of Commerce Tech Hubs is one way to shift the culture to solution and execution driven. Research is critical, as is vetting safety and efficacy. Sadly, many startups falter, crossing the proverbial “Valley of Death” of start-up funding, where ideas languish, as 90% of med tech start-ups fail. I am personally all too familiar with this, having founded three companies, fortunately, which are viable. Yet, this is the exception.

To navigate this landscape, we must repurpose and reposition existing tech that is established as safe, vetted for one purpose, and applied to another.  Take the drug Gabapentin. Initially an anti-seizure medication, it worked very well for nerve pain, where its present use for nerve pain grossly exceeds its original intended use of seizure prevention. It has found life in another application, being both repurposed and repositioned.

HyperCharge Clinic™ seeks to apply this concept to alternative therapies that have been proven safe by the FDA, approved for Wellness, and scaled responsibly for impact. Take red light therapy, low-level laser light therapy, and photobiomodulation (PBM), all originally invented by NASA, to help astronauts deal with the effects of space flight, where numerous shifts in fluid, including the brain, occurred decades ago. Red light therapy has been markedly helpful in musculoskeletal repair. Subsequently, it’s also been used for acne and wrinkle prevention.

Now, positive data results are emerging regarding Dementia and Long-Covid. The FDA held a public hearing for Emergency-Use-Authorization on the application of Photobiomodulation and Class IV Laser. Both are established as safe modalities by the FDA and are approved for wellness use. With 27 years to bankruptcy due to the enormous debt accumulated, and the profound humanistic caregiving burden on so many families, we believe that the time to safely & responsibly apply this revolutionary tech as a wellness model (compliant with the FDA) is now. We need to study its outcomes and build the support data needed so desperately. At HyperCharge Clinic™, we value the responsible repurposing and repositing of safe, FDA-approved tech, and we look forward to building the data with you and getting exciting, impactful technology into the hands of those who are suffering. We invite you to explore HyperCharge Clinic™ and the variety of proven modalities as we travel together on this innovative and groundbreaking wellness journey.

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