HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

When something feels off with a certain part of your body, oftentimes doctors rely on imaging tests to learn more about what’s going on beneath the surface. Imaging tests like X-rays and MRIs can pinpoint issues like fractures and ligament tears, and they can help provide a clear understanding of the best treatment paths to pursue. These tests can be so helpful when dealing with a physical issue, but diagnostic imaging is also becoming more popular for assessing brain health and related mental conditions.

At Hypercharge Clinic, we offer an elective brain imaging procedure called the Brainview Neural Scan, and it is a non-invasive imaging method that can tell us a lot about the health and function of your brain. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at why more people are turning to elective neural scans to learn more about their brain health, and why you should lean on the team at HyperCharge Clinic if you’re interested in a brain scan.

The Brainview Neural Scan

Our team offers the Brainview Neural Scan for patients who are hoping to learn more about their cognitive health. It is a non-invasive scan that assesses a number of different biomarkers and functions within the brain to provide critical information about your brain health. The device combines a few different technologies to provide an accurate snapshot of your brain health. It incorporates electroencephalography, which measures electrical activity generated by your brain cells, electrocardiogram technology to assess the relationship between heart activity and brain function, and it relies on event-related response capturing data to record and assess how your brain reacts to different stimuli and information.

All of these different technologies allow your care team to develop a detailed understanding of how your brain functions relative to expectations. Moreover, this assessment helps dictate how an individually curated treatment plan can be developed to target specific areas or responses in the brain to overcome whatever issues you’re facing.

An elective neural scan can be beneficial for people in all walks of life, but some common reasons why people pursue a brain health scan through HyperCharge Clinic include:

  • Early Detection – If certain mental health issues run in your family, like dementia or Alzheimer’s, a neural scan can provide a brain health assessment and detect the early warning signs of a treatable issue long before a diagnosis is traditionally made.
  • Injury Assessment – Neural scans are commonly used in individuals who are struggling with the effects of a concussion, traumatic brain injury or similar head trauma who want to learn more about the effect the injury has had on their brain function.
  • Stimuli Response – We can also track how your brain responds to different stimuli in order to understand how certain mental states like anxiety, fear and depression affect you.
  • Progress Evaluation – Similar to how an X-ray can show how healing has taken place over the course of time, neural scans can help show how your brain has healed or improved following treatment for specific issues.

It’s easy to overlook our brain health because it often seems like such a hard issue to quantify, but elective brain scans can do just that and showcase exactly how we can work to improve our brain health and function. To learn more about this quick, painless and non-invasive process, reach out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic today at (952) 600-5429.