HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Vibroacoustic therapy is an incredible treatment technique that we offer at Hypercharge Clinic that can alleviate or improve a number of different health issues. But before we dive into all the issues it can help with, let’s take a step back and explain what vibroacoustic therapy is and how it works.

Vibroacoustic therapy is a treatment technique that works by exposing the body to synchronized soundwaves and vibrations. As these soundwaves and vibrations permeate your body, they interact at a cellular level. By controlling the vibration strength and cadence, we can help bring your body into a healthy state of resonance.

During a vibroacoustic therapy session, you will rest in a chair that has been equipped with special speakers called transducers. Your body is in close contact with these speakers, and low frequency soundwaves are emitted that effectively send controlled vibrations through your body. Think of it like a gentle massage for the inside of your body.

Imagine standing on a dock with a small rock in your hand. You drop the rock into the water and watch the waves rhythmically cascade away from the epicenter. The waves impact any object they come in contact with, forcing the object to adhere to their rhythm. That’s essentially what happens with vibroacoustic therapy, but we use soundwaves. Since your body is roughly 70 percent water, these soundwaves are incredibly effective at passing through your body and imparting their cadence onto your body at a cellular level.

Vibroacoustic therapy has been clinically proven to help treat a wide range of conditions and spur the body’s ability to heal itself. Some of the most common reasons that vibroacoustic therapy is pursued include:

  • Stress Reduction – One of the most common themes we hear from patients who undergo vibroacoustic therapy is how relaxing and calming the process is. The harmonious rhythm of the soundwaves can help you destress and in turn reduce cortisol levels in your body.
  • Pain Care – Soundwaves act as a gentle massage for the inside of your body, penetrating muscles and other soft tissues. This can help to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation, bringing healthy blood to structures that need it most. All of this can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Brain Benefits – Vibroacoustic therapy is good for the body and mind. It has been clinically shown to help bring balance to brainwave and nerve activity, which can improve your focus and clear your head.
  • Sleep Improvements – Restoring balance to your body at a cellular level and decreasing stress hormones in your body can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer stretches, allowing your body the time it needs to recover from the rigors of each day.
  • Blood Pressure – Vibroacoustic therapy has been proven to be an effective complementary treatment technique that can help to improve your blood pressure and decrease mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Let us put the power of soundwave technology to use for you. Help restore balance and rhythm to your body with the help of vibroacoustic therapy. For more information on the technique or other restorative treatments at HyperCharge Clinic, reach out to our team today at (763) 717-8745.