HyperCharge Wellness Centers

What Your Skin Can Tell You About Your Health

Class IV Laser

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it also has a number of essential functions. Your skin acts as the first line of defense for your immune system, and it also plays a pivotal role in helping you maintain an ideal body temperature. We can also tell a lot about a person’s […]

How To Protect Your Joint Health As You Age

Knee Pain

When we’re young and agile, we probably don’t pay much attention to our joints, but as we get older and decades of stress and natural aging begins to take its toll, we may start to notice discomfort or weakness in certain joints like our knees, hips or shoulders. Some natural joint degeneration is inevitable as […]

What Is Your Metabolism And How To Improve It?

Woman Running

Your metabolism is a series of processes that controls how your body creates and uses energy. If you’re someone who is trying to lose weight or be more energized throughout the day, having a healthy metabolism is crucial. A number of different factors contribute to your body’s metabolism, and while genetics certainly play a role, […]

The 4 Keys To Cellular Health

Cellular therapy

We are the embodiment of the health of our cells, so when our cells are strong and healthy, so are we. But how can we work to provide a healthy environment for our cells to function and thrive? There are some key elements that you can focus on in your everyday life that can serve […]

5 Ways To Increase Your Life Expectancy

Aging couple on a run

The average life expectancy is over 75 years old for men and over 80 years old for women, but whether we live long past those numbers or not isn’t something you should leave up to chance. And while you obviously can’t have total control over your health and your life expectancy, there are a number […]

5 Ways To Rejuvenate Your Health This Spring

Two people on a run

Spring is officially here, and that means longer days and warmer nights are here to stay. The winter season offers some unique opportunities here in Minnesota, but it can also present some challenges for our mental and physical health. It’s not uncommon to feel gloomy or SAD during the dark winter months, so if you’re […]

5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Recovery Day

Human Body Wellness

Whether you’re training for a marathon or in the middle of your athletic season, there is a good chance that you are not pursuing intense athletic activity every single day. While it’s important to strengthen your muscles and challenge your body to improve your overall performance, pushing yourself too hard and failing to give your […]

5 Lifestyle Tweaks To Find More Energy

Happy old couple

We’d all like to have more energy throughout the day, but as we get older and our cells no longer function as efficiently, we need to be a little more cognizant of how our lifestyle choices impact our energy levels. Odds are you are doing some things throughout the day that are draining your energy, […]