HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

How To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Healthy sleeping woman

When you hear the word hygiene, your mind probably defaults to things like washing your hands, taking a shower or any action that helps your body get or stay physically clean. Regularly restoring your body to a cleaner state is incredibly important for your health, and an oft-overlooked part of our hygiene routine is our […]

How To Get Better Sleep As You Get Older

Sleep Enhancement

Sleep is an incredibly important bodily process that helps to regulate a number of important functions, and getting quality sleep only becomes more important as we get older. Sleep helps to recharge our proverbial batteries, flush out toxins and damaged cells and give the body time to repair areas that have been burdened by stress […]

How To Improve Your Sleep Quality

Sleep disorder

A lot of providers talk about sleep in the wrong way. Oftentimes they talk about how much sleep you should be getting each night. It’s not uncommon to hear doctors recommend at least eight hours of sleep each night, and while that’s a fine benchmark to aim for, the emphasis shouldn’t be on your sleep […]