HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

How Does Class IV Laser Therapy Work?

Class IV Laser

Laser therapy may sound like a treatment modality from the future, but it’s just one of the many effective treatments that we offer at HyperCharge Clinic. Laser therapy has been proven to be effective at treating a range of issues in all parts of the body, but how exactly does the process work? Below, we […]

The Differences Between LED and Class 4 Laser Therapy

Red light therapy on head

On the surface, LED light therapy and Class 4 laser therapy are pretty similar treatment options, but when you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize that they are two different treatments. Both techniques work by delivering enough energy to the targeted tissue in order to kickstart a photochemical process known as photobiomodulation, which helps to […]

Is Class IV Laser Therapy Safe?

Class IV Laser

Lasers are an amazing piece of technology that can be extremely useful in the medical community, but like any procedure, certain steps need to be taken to reduce the possibility of unwanted side effects during or after treatment. Class IV laser treatment has become much more popular in recent years to treat a variety of […]

How Laser Therapy Is Saving Lives

Red light vs. Class IV Infared Laser

If you’re one of the millions of Americans dealing with chronic pain, odds are you’ve been looking all over for an effective treatment option. Pain is a major problem in the US and throughout the world, and unfortunately too many patients are simply prescribed opioids to mask their symptoms. Opioids are incredibly strong painkillers, but […]

What’s The Difference Between LED And Class IV Laser Therapy?

Class IV Laser

Light-based treatment modalities have grown immensely in popularity in recent years due in large part to proven success during scientific trials and word of mouth spread from satisfied patients. Both light emitting diode (LED) therapy and Class IV laser therapy work to harness the power of light to energize your cells and help them better […]