HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

The Benefits Of Anaerobic Exercise


You’ve probably heard the term “aerobic exercise,” but are you familiar with anaerobic exercise? Even if you’re not familiar with the term, there’s a good chance that you’ve performed plenty of anaerobic exercises during the course of your life, and that can be very beneficial for your health. In today’s blog, we take a closer […]

Tips For Preventing And Treating Muscle Soreness After Exercise


Muscle soreness is an indication that you recently exposed your muscles to repetitive physical strain. This soreness can set in after an intense workout, after an athletic practice or game, or after a day spent raking leaves in your yard. Soreness may only be mildly or moderately uncomfortable, but since it can affect future athletic […]

Improving Your Health Through Mindfulness And Emotional Wellbeing Exercises

Our overall health is made up of a combination of our physical, mental and emotional health. Our physical health is oftentimes prioritized over our mental and emotional health, and while that’s fine to an extent, it’s important that you do not ignore those two aspects completely. Our cells thrive when our physical, mental and emotional […]

Why Has My Exercise Progress Plateaued And How To Overcome It

Athletic performance improvement

Whether you’re exercising to lose weight or simply stay in shape, we all like to see progress in one form or another. For some that comes in the form of smaller numbers on the scale, while others may measure progress in distance, duration or a new personal best. Continued progress can be incredibly self-motivating, which […]

Beware Of These 5 Energy Vampires

Cellular therapy

We enjoy the Halloween season and like to see kids and grown ups dress up as their favorite monster for the holiday, but one monster we have little patience for is the vampire. More specifically, the energy vampire. Energy vampires are things or people who suck the energy out of you and make it harder […]

5 Tricks For Sticking With An Exercise Routine

Woman Running

We are all aware of the importance of regular exercise, but committing to and sticking with an exercise routine isn’t always easy. As our work and family lives get more hectic, you can find that exercise regularly gets pushed to the backburner, but that’s not great for our current and future health. Sticking with an […]

Exercise – It Does A Body Good

Runner drinking water

Exercise is great for your body, but you may be surprised to learn all of the ways that exercise improves your overall health. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at all of the benefits of regular exercise, and we explain how the team at HyperCharge Clinic can take those benefits one step further. […]

5 Lifestyle Tweaks To Find More Energy

Happy old couple

We’d all like to have more energy throughout the day, but as we get older and our cells no longer function as efficiently, we need to be a little more cognizant of how our lifestyle choices impact our energy levels. Odds are you are doing some things throughout the day that are draining your energy, […]