HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

How To Find More Energy During The Cold Winter Months

Woman with insomnia

Winter is an amazing time here in Minnesota. We can go out and skate on one of the thousands of lakes nearby, or we can go for a walk by the Mississippi and take in some amazing views. However, the cold and dark winter months can also be physically and mentally exhausting, draining us of […]

Beware Of These 5 Energy Vampires

Cellular therapy

We enjoy the Halloween season and like to see kids and grown ups dress up as their favorite monster for the holiday, but one monster we have little patience for is the vampire. More specifically, the energy vampire. Energy vampires are things or people who suck the energy out of you and make it harder […]

5 Lifestyle Tweaks To Find More Energy

Happy old couple

We’d all like to have more energy throughout the day, but as we get older and our cells no longer function as efficiently, we need to be a little more cognizant of how our lifestyle choices impact our energy levels. Odds are you are doing some things throughout the day that are draining your energy, […]