HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Who Can Benefit From Cellular Rejuvenation Treatments?

Cellular therapy

At HyperCharge Clinic, we help patients fast track their recovery or boost their body’s ability to repair or power itself. We do this at the cellular level through a number of different techniques. We’ve already blogged about the wonderful benefits of techniques like Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, Class IV Laser Therapy and PEMF Therapy to […]

Getting Healthy On A Cellular Level

Hypercharge clinic team

What does it mean to be healthy? If you ask this question to people on the street, you’ll get a variety of answers. “It means being able to run a 6-minute mile,” or “It means having an ideal Body Mass Index.” Those are all fine answers, but if you ask a specialist at HyperCharge Clinic, […]