HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

How Nano-Vi Structured Water Can Improve Cellular Health


One of the five main rejuvenation techniques we offer at HyperCharge Clinic is our structured water program. Structured water, also oftentimes referred to as hexagonal water, is a type of water that has a unique molecular arrangement compared to normal water that you’d get out of a tap at your home. Water with this unique […]

How To Naturally Improve Your Own Cellular Health


We talk a lot about cellular health and cell rejuvenation on this blog because we strongly believe in working to heal the body from the inside out. Instead of treating the symptoms of a health issue, we aim to give your body the tools to overcome the underlying problem and prevent it from returning down […]

Getting Healthy On A Cellular Level

Hypercharge clinic team

What does it mean to be healthy? If you ask this question to people on the street, you’ll get a variety of answers. “It means being able to run a 6-minute mile,” or “It means having an ideal Body Mass Index.” Those are all fine answers, but if you ask a specialist at HyperCharge Clinic, […]

The 4 Keys To Cellular Health

Cellular therapy

We are the embodiment of the health of our cells, so when our cells are strong and healthy, so are we. But how can we work to provide a healthy environment for our cells to function and thrive? There are some key elements that you can focus on in your everyday life that can serve […]