HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Red light therapy is a wonderful rejuvenation technique that works by helping to energize your cells so that they can better perform a variety of essential cellular functions like tissue repair, new cell development and collagen production. The last point is key for anyone interested in maintaining or improving the health and visual appearance of their skin. Healthy cells can better produce collagen that helps our skin maintain a healthy, hydrated and firm appearance, which also cuts down on things like fine lines and wrinkles.

Unfortunately, many people overlook the benefits of red light therapy and instead pursue other activities and treatments that can actually serve to harm their skin health. In today’s blog, we explain why some of the more popular skin health treatments can’t compare to red light therapy.

Popular But Dangerous Skin Health Treatments

Many of the more conventional ways that people try to improve the appearance of their skin can actually prove harmful in the long term. Here’s a look at some of the more popular ways that people try to achieve more glowing skin, and why they should instead turn to red light therapy to improve their skin health.

Ditching The Sunscreen

Sun-kissed skin can have a more appealing appearance, and sunlight is actually helpful for some key bodily processes. Sunlight is converted by your skin into Vitamin D3, which helps our body better absorb other nutrients like calcium and phosphorus. However, too much direct sunlight can be quite harmful to your skin. In the short-term, excessive sunlight exposure without protective sunscreen can lead to painful sunburns, and in the long term this can greatly increase your risk of skin cancers. The short-term change in skin tone is offset by the damage the sun’s ultraviolet rays are doing to your collagen fibers, which increases your likelihood of developing skin lines and wrinkles over time. Instead, improve collagen production and foster your skin health from the inside out with the help of red light therapy.

Turning To Tanning Beds

Some people mistakenly believe that tanning beds are a safe alternative to the sun if you’re hoping to improve the look of your skin, but that simply isn’t true. Mounting evidence has found that tanning beds have been linked to a significant increase in skin cancer likelihood. Different studies have linked tanning bed use to:

  • A 50% increase in the risk of basal cell carcinoma
  • A more than 100% increase in the risk of squamous cell carcinoma
  • Tanning bed use before the age of 35 has been linked to a 75% greater risk of melanoma

Moreover, the UVA and UVB rays emitted from tanning beds have a similar detrimental effect on your skin as natural sunlight, damaging collagen fibers and giving your skin a more wrinkled appearance in the long-term. Don’t turn to tanning beds as a viable alternative to natural sunlight.

Unchecked Supplement Consumption

Finally, while we understand that it would be great if we could just passively consume a pill or supplement that would vastly improve our skin health, there’s no magic pill that can achieve this. Unchecked supplement consumption can lead to some unintended side effects, like hair loss, acne onset or increased risk of birth defects, so make sure you discuss any new supplement regimen with your physician and monitor any effects closely. Instead, try to improve your nutrient intake naturally by improving your diet and water intake. Moreover, help your body improve nutrient absorption and metabolic function by pursuing red light therapy. Red light therapy can improve cell function and regulate hormone production, both of which make it easier for your body to have access to key nutrients. Turn to red light therapy instead of unchecked supplement use to improve your skin health.

Let us give you a healthy and natural looking skin appearance without all of the potential side effects of some other popular pursuits. For more information on how red light therapy can help improve your skin health and overall appearance, reach out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic today.