HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

NanoVi Structured Water (NSW)

What is NanoVi Structured Water (NSW) Therapy?

NanoVi® Structured Water Therapy is a wellness modality favored by athletes and biohackers. It focuses on improving the structure and function of proteins in the body, which are essential for all bodily functions.

How NanoVi Structured Water (NSW) Works

NSW therapy uses specially humidified water vapor containing energy at a specific electromagnetic frequency. This energy is transferred to the body’s cells, helping proteins fold correctly, which is crucial for optimal cellular function. This therapy also reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, supporting overall health and performance.

NSW therapy is highly beneficial for athletes, individuals looking to enhance their cognitive and physical performance, and anyone interested in reducing inflammation and supporting overall health.

Nano VI Laser

Benefits of NanoVi Structured Water (NSW) Therapy

The number one in the middle of a circle

Restores Protein Function After Damage

a black circle with a two is written on it

Reduces Oxidative Stress & Inflammation

An orange circle with the number three in it

Enhances Immune Response & Antioxidant Defense

A circle containing the number four, which represents the numeral 4.

Improves Recovery From Physical Exertion

A circle with the number five inside it, representing the numeral 5.

Supports Better Sleep & Mental Clarity

NanoVi Structured Water (NSW) Therapy Healing Stories:

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