HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Our overall health is made up of a combination of our physical, mental and emotional health. Our physical health is oftentimes prioritized over our mental and emotional health, and while that’s fine to an extent, it’s important that you do not ignore those two aspects completely. Our cells thrive when our physical, mental and emotional health are in harmony, so we need to find ways to develop those oft-overlooked aspects of our health. Many people have found that mindfulness and emotional wellbeing exercises can do wonders for their mental and emotional health. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at some ways to use mindfulness techniques and emotional wellbeing exercises to care for your mental health.

Becoming Healthier Through Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a health technique that involves regulating and self-assessing your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It can also serve as a great way to effectively manage different forms of stress in your life, as it provides you with ample time to assess the stress sources, reframe these stressors in your mind and develop a plan to overcome these challenges. When stress levels are reduced, your mental and emotional health can thrive.

But how exactly does one practice mindfulness? Every person is different, so what works for one person may not be as effective for another, but the key is to simply take the first step by jumping into a mindfulness practice. It may feel weird or odd at the beginning, but over time your body and your mind will get used to this period of self-reflection. And while we’ll touch on a few popular mindfulness practices below, the common theme between them all is that they provide you with a quiet space to reflect with your thoughts. You shouldn’t practice these techniques while watching television or scrolling social media. You want to be free from distractions so that you can focus on your thoughts and feelings.

Some of the most common mindfulness practices include:

  • Meditation – Meditation is arguably the most popular form of mindfulness. Meditation simply involves finding a quiet place to reflect on yourself, your breathing and the world around you. Close your eyes and focus on your thoughts, your goals and your fears. Reframe challenges or stressors as opportunities for growth and mentally prepare for what’s ahead, and you’ll find that you are better prepared for what’s to come.
  • Walking Meditation – Some people find that they can cleanse their mental health better when they are out enjoying the sights and sounds of the world. Head outside and go for a distraction-free walk, focusing on your thoughts and the world around you. We have so many stresses and distractions that we face each and every day, but you’d be amazed what a 20-minute walk by yourself in nature can do for your mind and your body.
  • Deep Breathing – Another mindfulness technique that has been shown to help lower your heart rate and may even have a positive impact on your blood pressure is deep breathing. Similar to meditation, deep breathing exercises oftentimes involve a person moving to a quiet room free from distractions where they can focus on their breathing. Deep inhales and controlled exhales can help you find a natural calmness and alleviate stress that serves to negatively affect your body. You can find deep breathing exercise programs online or you can develop a program with the help of a specialist at HyperCharge Clinic.
  • Yoga – Yoga is a mindfulness technique that also incorporates physical activity. While the other techniques work to develop your mental and emotional health without external stressors, yoga does the opposite. Yoga exercises help push your body outside its comfortable range of motion so that you can become more flexible and physically capable. Overcoming this physical stress is mentally rewarding, and as you learn to relax during your yoga maneuvers, you’ll find that you’re reaping more physical benefits without having to overcome as much physical stress.
  • Mantra Repetition – Another way for people to mentally overcome some of the daily challenges they face is by repeating a mantra or intention. Every day before you get out of bed or get out of your car at work, you repeat a phrase or a mantra that helps to center yourself and refocus your attention at the goals you hope to achieve. This can help you become more mentally and emotionally ready for what’s to come, which also helps to alleviate stress.

The team at HyperCharge Clinic can also help you on your journey to become more mentally and emotionally healthy. We have a number of wellness techniques that help you confront and overcome some of the non-physical challenges you face every day, and we’re here to help in any way we can. To learn more about some of our mindfulness techniques, or for help with a different aspect of your cellular health, reach out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic today.