HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Exercise with oxygen therapy is a wellness technique that is becoming more popular every single day. We’ve talked about the technique in depth on the blog in the past, specifically in regards to how it can help athletes improve their muscle recovery or stamina so that they can take their performance to the next level, but EWOT isn’t just for the aspiring athlete. Exercise with oxygen therapy can prove helpful for your health in other ways, including your immune system. Below, we explain why more people are turning to exercise with oxygen therapy to boost their immune health.

EWOT For Immune Health

You may be surprised to learn that the air we breathe is only about 21 percent oxygen. That’s still plenty for our bodies to live, but boosting that percentage can make it easier for your body to get oxygen to structures that rely on it for optimal function. Oxygen is an essential element in the energy production process within your cells, and when your cells have more energy, they can better respond to threats to our health. Energized cells are better at suppressing foreign invaders and bacteria.

Other ways that EWOT can improve your immune system include:

  • Improved Circulation – EWOT boosts your circulation by getting your heart pumping and by sending oxygenated blood all around the body. Within your bloodstream are platelets and white blood cells, which help to fight off infections and repair damages within the body by aiding in the clotting process. Platelets and white blood cells are important in your immune health, and they can better move about your body when your circulation is boosted.
  • Waste Removal – Sometimes illnesses can develop as a result of a buildup of toxins and waste products within our body. As we discussed above, exercise with oxygen therapy makes it easier for cells to perform a number of crucial functions, including tissue repair and waste byproduct removal. Your immune system isn’t burdened by toxins and waste products when your body gets better at naturally removing them.
  • Inflammation Control – Inflammation is a natural response to injury or physical stress, but it can actually serve to slow down the healing process. Moreover, it’s your immune system that is working hard to resolve this inflammation, meaning it needs to spend energy on inflammation suppression. EWOT boosts fluid movement and blood circulation, naturally limiting inflammation onset and allowing your immune system to focus its efforts elsewhere.
  • Antibody Production – Finally, regular use of exercise with oxygen therapy can improve cellular function and make it easier for your body to produce antibodies and white blood cells, which are key components of your immune health. When your body has more antibodies and blood cells, it is better equipped to handle any threats to your health.

So if you feel like you’re constantly battling a cold or you just want to improve your immune health before flu season, consider connecting with the team at HyperCharge Clinic to learn more about how exercise with oxygen therapy may be right for you. For more information, or to book an introductory session, give our team a call today at (952) 600-5429.