HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Red light therapy is one of our more popular rejuvenation techniques, but it’s not something that will completely address all of your underlying health issues on its own. In order for the treatment to be the most effective, you need to make some additional tweaks to your daily lifestyle. With that in mind, we wanted to share some tips for incorporating red light therapy into your daily routine so that you can get the most out of each session.

Maximizing The Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy works by delivering light at specific wavelengths to certain areas of the body. The light is then absorbed by the mitochondria in our cells, which makes it easier for the cells to produce adenosine triphosphate, which is the energy source for all cells. Essentially the technique energizes the cell, which allows it to more easily or more efficiently perform critical functions necessary for your overall health.

In order to get the most out of this treatment and achieve longer lasting results, you also need to make some adjustments in your life that provide the right type of environment for your cells to function optimally. For example, if you smoke or you’re not getting quality sleep, your cells are going to be stressed working to overcome these inefficiencies, and the effectiveness of red light therapy can fade sooner. By making some adjustments to your life that promote ideal cell health, the benefits of red light therapy can be sustained within the cell, helping you feel healthier for an extended period. Some of those daily adjustments include:

  • Regular Exercise – It’s going to be important that you seek out regular exercise. You may think that exercise is actually a stress on your body and your cells, and in a sense it is, but it’s a good stress. Exercise is needed for muscle development, to ensure ideal blood circulation, to boost our immune system and to maintain a healthy weight, all of which are essential to ideal cell health. Regularly seek out skill-appropriate exercise to extend the benefits of red light therapy.
  • Improved Diet – The foods and liquids we consume provide our body and our cells with the nutrients we need to thrive, so of course an improved diet is needed to extend the benefits of red light therapy. Unhealthy options can be pro-inflammatory, and if your cells need to work hard to quell this new or chronic inflammation, their energy will be spent on less efficient actions. If you’re struggling to get a range of healthy options through diet alone, talk to your healthcare provider about supplementation.
  • Better Sleep – As we alluded to above, quality sleep is incredibly important to an overall healthy lifestyle. Sleep is a time when your body is working to recover from the rigors of the day and remove toxins from different systems. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your cells can’t perform these necessary recovery options, and the effects of red light therapy will be shortened. Red light therapy can also help to improve your sleep quality, so many clients find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep after a few sessions, but you still need to give yourself the chance to achieve quality sleep. Go to bed around the same time each night, giving yourself plenty of time to achieve enough restful sleep.
  • Kick The Bad Habits – Reduce or eliminate habits from your daily life that stress your system. The two main habits are smoking and alcohol consumption. Strive to reduce your reliance on these habits, and you’ll find that the benefits of red light therapy go further.
  • Stress Reduction – Finally, do what you can to reduce sources of mental and emotional stress in your life. Stress can lead to a number of physical changes in our body, like elevated heart rate or a compromised immune system, both of which can have an impact on your cell health. We know that you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, but if you work to reduce sources or stress or find healthy ways to manage it when it develops, it can lessen the burden on your cells.

Let us teach you how to incorporate red light therapy into your daily life so that you can reap its benefits. For more information, or for help with a different health and wellness issue, reach out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic today at (952) 600-5429.