HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

If you’re like most people, you want to be outside during the warm summer months. Minnesota has so many incredible places to explore year round, but the long summer days can be perfect for exploring a new trail or simply soaking up the sun by the lake. However, you also want to be mindful about the sun’s impact on your skin, as its ultraviolet rays can lead to damage if you are overexposed or underprotected. We don’t want you to spend the summer indoors, so we want to use today’s blog to share some tips for protecting your skin from the hot summer sun.

Skin Protection Tips

We’re sure that you’re aware of some of the ways that you can keep your skin protected from the sun, but there’s a good chance you’re also overlooking some of the best ways to keep it protected. We’ll take a look at a number of different ways that you can protect your skin and keep it looking healthy during the summer and all year round.


Let’s start with the most obvious advice, and that’s to wear sunscreen when you are out in the sun for an extended period. Sunscreen helps to limit the amount of ultraviolet rays that penetrate your skin, reducing your risk of burns and cancers. Make sure that you use a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or above, and reapply it regularly if you’re in and out of the water or simply outside for an extended period.

Dress Appropriately 

Wear clothes that help to protect your skin from burns and UV ray exposure. Wear light fitting clothes, long sleeves and hats as appropriate to help shield your skin from unnecessary sun exposure.

Slowly Increase Your Sun Exposure

Just like you gradually take on greater physical challenges when you’re exercising or training for a marathon, you’ll want to slowly increase how long you’re exposed to direct sunlight. Your skin gets better at handling moderate sun exposure if you slowly spend more time out in the sun. Don’t shock your skin to get some early season color or to build up a base burn. Ease into sun exposure so your skin isn’t overwhelmed at the outset.

Mind Your Diet

The foods you eat can help to improve your skin health from the inside out, making it easier for your skin to handle sun exposure. Foods that are full of nutrients like beta carotene, polyphenols and the right type of fatty acids can all contribute to healthy skin. Foods that can help your body improve skin health include:

  • Berries
  • Carrots
  • Nuts/Seeds
  • Spinach
  • Avocados
  • Fatty Fish
  • Beans
  • Olives

HyperCharge Cell Health

Finally, if you really want to improve the health of your skin and help it become better prepared to handle prolonged sun exposure, consider setting up an appointment with the team at HyperCharge Clinic. We can use light and laser therapy to energize cells deep within your body so that they can better perform essential functions like collagen production and cell replication, both of which are essential for the overall health of your skin. When your cells are healthier, your skin is healthier, and the effects of sun damage can be minimized on healthy and hydrated skin. We can give your skin that healthy look without the potential damage caused by the sun or by tanning beds. Let our team put our skin rejuvenation techniques to work for you and your health.

Get outside and enjoy summer, but make sure you are cognizant of your skin health. To ensure the health of your skin, connect with a professional at HyperCharge Clinic and let us restore your skin health from the inside. For more information, or to set up an initial consultation, reach out to HyperCharge today at (952) 600-5429.