HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

One of the five main rejuvenation techniques we offer at HyperCharge Clinic is our structured water program. Structured water, also oftentimes referred to as hexagonal water, is a type of water that has a unique molecular arrangement compared to normal water that you’d get out of a tap at your home. Water with this unique molecular structure is thought to offer some specific benefits to your body. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at structured water and explain some of the possible benefits of pursuing a nano-vi structured water program through HyperCharge Clinic.

Understanding Structured Water

Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom to form H2O. When it’s in a liquid state, water molecules are constantly moving and interacting with each other, which leads to the formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds, creating a more random structure. However, we can alter this molecular structure to bring more order to the arrangement of H2O molecules. Instead of such a random molecular structure, we can arrange the molecules in a repeating, hexagonal pattern, and it’s believed that this organized structure more closely resembles the water found inside healthy living cells and natural bodies of water like a mountain spring.

Through a couple of different techniques, we can shift the structure of water so that it more closely resembles this pure, untouched form. A popular choice among health enthusiasts and biohackers, structured water is thought to offer our cells and our body numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved Cellular Communication – Proponents of the technique believe that the hexagonal structure of Nano-Vi water can improve communication between cells. This improved signal transmission can lead to better biomechanical reactions between your cells.
  • Better Hydration – In its structured form, water can be more easily absorbed by cells compared to unstructured water. Better water absorption helps us stay hydrated, and a hydrated cell performs better than a dehydrated cell.
  • Waste Removal – When your cells are hydrated, they can more efficiently remove toxins and waste products from the body. Structured water can be a natural detoxifier for your body and your cells.
  • More Energy – Many biohackers and athletes find that they are more energized after a structured water program because the structured water is helping their cells function more efficiently, in turn wasting less energy on inefficient processes.
  • Management Of Oxidative Stress – Structured water is believed to help neutralize free radicals in your body, which can protect your body from oxidative stress and damage.
  • Athletic Recovery – We’ve mentioned that structured water is a favorite of athletes and weekend warriors, and that’s because it can help to reduce blood lactate buildup in the body that can accumulate after intense workouts or competitions. Controlling this lactate buildup can help to reduce inflammation, eliminate soreness and ensure faster recovery following intense physical activity.

Water is an essential component of life, but we can alter its structure to take a more natural form that offers extra benefits to our bodies. It’s just one pillar of the five pillar process we offer at HyperCharge Clinic, and we’d love to teach you more about the technique and explain how it can work for you. For more information, or to connect with a member of our team, give HyperCharge Clinic a call today at (952) 600-5429.