HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Laser therapy may sound like a treatment modality from the future, but it’s just one of the many effective treatments that we offer at HyperCharge Clinic. Laser therapy has been proven to be effective at treating a range of issues in all parts of the body, but how exactly does the process work? Below, we explain how laser therapy can stimulate tissue recovery and can have you feeling younger in as little as one session.

The Basics Of Class IV Laser Therapy

While a laser therapy session may sound painful to the inexperienced patient, many patients actually find the process soothing. During a laser therapy session, your specialist will use our laser therapy machine to emit a concentrated wavelength of photons over a specific area of your body. These photons penetrate into tissues deep within the body, and they end up energizing cells in the area by stimulating the production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.

ATP is an organic compound that provides energy to cells and helps them complete many essential processes, including the cell’s ability to heal itself. As the photons stimulate the production of ATP, oxygenated blood and essential nutrients are brought to the area being treated with the laser therapy, spurring tissue recovery and pain relief. This also helps to decrease inflammation and swelling, making movement more comfortable.

The laser treatment is quick and comfortable, as most sessions will involve about five minutes of laser exposure per area being treated, so a number of different body parts can be treated in a relatively short amount of time. The therapy also produces a warm and oftentimes soothing sensation in the area being treated, and most patients experience noticeable improvement after just one session. The procedure is painless and approved by the FDA as a safe and effective form of treatment for both acute and chronic conditions.

Laser therapy is becoming a much more popular treatment technique because it carries much less risk than some other common treatment techniques. There is no risk of addiction or dependance unlike with prescription medications, and since no incisions are made, it can be a much lower risk treatment than surgery. We’ve previously worked with patients who had been told they needed joint replacement surgery who found that Class IV laser treatment provided enough relief that they were able to avoid an invasive replacement procedure.

So why aren’t more people pursuing Class IV laser treatment for their chronic aches and joint pain? The main reason is that most patients and many physicians aren’t very aware of just how beneficial the technique can be for the right patient. They oftentimes default to other effective treatments like physical therapy or surgery, but patients may find that the most effective treatment for their aches is laser therapy.

Some of the most common conditions that respond well to laser therapy treatment include:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Joint pain
  • Disc discomfort
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • General pain in the knees, shoulders, wrist, hips and legs
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tissue recovery after athletics

So if you want to spur cell recovery and tissue regeneration within your own body, consider reaching out to the team at HyperCharge Clinic. We know that this is a real basic version of what you can expect from laser therapy, but our team would be more than happy to go over the process in greater detail or answer any questions you might have along the way. For more information, or to take the first step in recharging your body’s batteries, give the team at HyperCharge Clinic a call today at (763) 717-8745.