HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

What does it mean to be healthy? If you ask this question to people on the street, you’ll get a variety of answers. “It means being able to run a 6-minute mile,” or “It means having an ideal Body Mass Index.” Those are all fine answers, but if you ask a specialist at HyperCharge Clinic, you’ll likely get a much different answer. To them, being healthy means that your body is working optimally at a cellular level.

Essentially, your cellular health is a microcosm of your overall health because you are a collection of all the cells in your body. The healthier you are on a cellular level, the healthier you will be on an overall level. But what can be done to improve our cellular health? That’s our purpose at HyperCharge Clinic – to help restore your cellular health so that your whole body can feel healthier and more energized. In today’s blog, we talk about some of the ways you can improve your health on a cellular level.

Boosting Your Cellular Health

Improving the health of your cells is imperative for a number of reasons. For starters, optimal cell health can help to ward off infections, reduce your risk of developing certain cancers and reduce your likelihood of other health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. However, it can also help with a number of day to day activities. When your cells are healthy, you’ll have more energy, you’ll be able to sleep better and your body can keep inflammation at bay, preventing those all too common daily aches and pains.

So we know why it’s so important to have ideal cellular health, but how can we achieve it? There are a number of factors that impact the health of our cells, and we can’t influence all of them. For example, aging oftentimes affects the health of our cells. Cellular division as we age makes cells more prone to damage and mutation, which is why certain cancers are more common in older adults. However, natural aging isn’t the only factor that influences cellular health. There are plenty of ways to help your cells become healthier, which in turn makes you healthier. Those include:

  • Diet – Your nutritional intake plays a big role in your cellular health. The nutrients you feed your body help your cells’ ability to replicate properly, to repair muscle tissue after activity and to minimize your risk of osteoporosis. Improving your diet is a key first step to improving the health of your cells.
  • Exercise – Exercise is another great way to improve the health of your cells. Exercise and regular physical activity has been shown to boost cellular immunity, making it easier for you to ward off certain conditions and illnesses, in turn keeping you healthier. Your body also gets better at repairing muscle and tissue damage when it performs these processes after regular exercise.
  • Rejuvenation Treatment – Diet and exercise are the two main pillars of cellular health, but they aren’t the only ways to make your cells healthier. At HyperCharge Clinic, we have a number of rejuvenation treatments that target your body on the cellular level. You can read more about whole body photobiomodulation and red light therapy on their respective pages, but they work by using specific light waves to energize your cells. These photons are effectively turned into energy by your cells, and when your cells are energized, they can more efficiently perform certain functions. They can calm inflammation, they can better repair tissue damage and they can help you fall into a healthier circadian rhythm, all of which can help you feel healthier because your cells are healthier. Let us improve your health at a cellular level!

When treating patients, we’re not worried about surface level indicators of health. How fast you run a mile or the number on your BMI chart doesn’t tell the full story. Your health is an aggregation of your cellular health, so let us help you find ways to improve the health of your cells. For more information, or to set up your first appointment with our team, give HyperCharge Clinic a call today at (763) 717-8745.