HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)

What is Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)?

EWOT is a form of oxygen therapy that enhances cellular oxygenation by having individuals breathe highly concentrated oxygen while engaging in physical exercise. This process promotes optimal cellular function and boosts overall health and immunity.

How EWOT Works:

During exercise, breathing in oxygen-enriched air maximizes oxygen delivery to cells. This increase in oxygen uptake facilitates improved cell metabolism, reduces the production of lactic acid, and enhances endurance. As blood flow is at its peak during exercise, the oxygen is effectively transported to all tissues, supporting optimal cell function and health.

EWOT is ideal for athletes looking to enhance their performance, individuals recovering from surgery or illness, and anyone wanting to boost their energy levels and overall health.

PEMF Butterfly Coil

Benefits of Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)

The number one in the middle of a circle

Increases Energy Levels & Endurance

a black circle with a two is written on it

Reduces Inflammation

An orange circle with the number three in it

Speeds Up Recovery From Injuries & Illness

A circle containing the number four, which represents the numeral 4.

Enhances Cognitive Function & Mental Clarity

A circle with the number five inside it, representing the numeral 5.

Improves Overall Cardiovascular Health

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) Healing Stories:

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