HyperCharge Wellness Centers

5 Reasons You’re So Tired All The Time

Healthy sleeping woman

Are you struggling to keep your eyes open at your desk after lunch? Do you find yourself nodding off on the couch in the evening or craving another hour of sleep when you wake up in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. We all feel tired at different points throughout our day, but do […]

4 Tips For Losing Weight Without Drugs

Athletic performance improvement

Weight loss injections like Ozempic have become more popular in recent months, and it really shouldn’t be all that surprising that millions of Americans are looking for a quick and easy way to shed some weight. We understand that it would be amazing if we could safely burn off some excess fat by simply taking […]

Time Heals All Wounds, But Post-Surgical Recovery Involves More Than Waiting

Companion care post surgery recovery

They say that time heals all wounds, but time alone certainly doesn’t lead to the best recovery after an injury. Your body does a tremendous job of helping itself heal after a physical injury, but one thing it can’t do on its own is get you back to a pre-injury level of strength and function. […]

Can Red Light Therapy Help Regrow Hair?

Transcranial light helmet

If you are one of the millions of Americans who have a growing bald spot or receding hairline, there’s a good chance that you have looked into options to help combat hair loss. One treatment technique that has gained popularity in recent years is transcranial red light therapy. Also known as transcranial photobiomodulation or a […]

5 Signs Of Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Chronic disease management

Your mitochondria are an integral part of your cells that help to provide energy to the cell. When your mitochondria are functioning optimally, your cells are energized and able to assist in a number of essential processes, like tissue repair, cell replication and hormone production. However, due to aging, the onset of underlying health conditions […]

6 Tips For Improving Memory And Focus

A image of a hand and a brain

Our ability to remain on task and remember key details are important aspects of our professional and personal life, but in today’s hectic world, it can be easy to lose focus and forget things. We all want to have improved focus and memory, and many people don’t realize that you can train your brain in […]

How Nano-Vi Structured Water Can Improve Cellular Health


One of the five main rejuvenation techniques we offer at HyperCharge Clinic is our structured water program. Structured water, also oftentimes referred to as hexagonal water, is a type of water that has a unique molecular arrangement compared to normal water that you’d get out of a tap at your home. Water with this unique […]

5 Superfoods That Can Bolster A Treatment Or Recovery Program

Healthy Eating

Whether you’re going through an injury recovery program with the help of a physical therapist or you’re working with one of our specialists to become a healthier version of yourself, these methods will only be one portion of your total wellness plan. Odds are your doctor will also talk about working to improve your health […]

Professional Tips For Increasing Your VO2 Max

A woman on a stationary bike with a oxygen tube

VO2 max is a term that is sometimes used in the fitness and wellness community as a way to describe how well your body consumes the oxygen in your body during high-intensity exercise. It is oftentimes used as a gauge of athletic fitness, and it’s a measure that athletes can work to improve as a […]

Get Your Blood Pressure Under Control With HyperCharge Clinic

Doctor and patient

Blood pressure is one of the most common measurements that is taken by a healthcare provider to learn more about your cardiac and overall health. Your blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood throughout the body, and it’s recorded as two numbers, systolic […]