HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Our Blogs

The Benefits Of Anaerobic Exercise

The Benefits Of Anaerobic Exercise

You’ve probably heard the term “aerobic exercise,” but are you familiar with anaerobic exercise? Even if…

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Treating Anxiety Through Neurofeedback Therapy

Treating Anxiety Through Neurofeedback Therapy

Stress is a normal part of life. Whether you’re vying for that promotion or simply trying…

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The Benefits Of Pain Management Without Opioids

The Benefits Of Pain Management Without Opioids

Opioids can be an effective piece of a comprehensive treatment plan for the right patient, but…

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The Skin Care Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

The Skin Care Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy helps to improve our health at the cellular level, and while we’ve spent…

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Recover From Holiday Travel With HyperCharge Clinic

Recover From Holiday Travel With HyperCharge Clinic

The holiday season is upon us, and that means many people will soon be taking cross…

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The Connection Between Photosynthesis In Plants And Injury Recovery In Humans

The Connection Between Photosynthesis In Plants And Injury Recovery In Humans

Let’s take a walk down memory lane and think back to elementary school or middle school…

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Why You Should Choose Light Therapy Over Salt Therapy

Why You Should Choose Light Therapy Over Salt Therapy

Salt rooms and salt therapy have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Proponents of…

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What’s the Difference Between Targeted & Full Body Red Light Therapy?

What’s the Difference Between Targeted & Full Body Red Light Therapy?

As the names suggest, full body red light therapy would involve exposing the majority of your…

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Why It Pays To Be SMART About Your Health And Fitness Goals

Why It Pays To Be SMART About Your Health And Fitness Goals

Whether you’re hoping to start the new year off right or you’re decided that it’s time…

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What Is Oxidative Stress & How To Reduce It

What Is Oxidative Stress & How To Reduce It

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an unhealthy imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your…

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Tips To Enhance Your Post-Surgical Recovery

Tips To Enhance Your Post-Surgical Recovery

A strong and fast recovery after surgery doesn’t happen by accident. You’ll have to put in…

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Tips For Preventing And Treating Muscle Soreness After Exercise

Tips For Preventing And Treating Muscle Soreness After Exercise

Muscle soreness is an indication that you recently exposed your muscles to repetitive physical strain. This…

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