HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Headaches and migraines can strike at a moment’s notice and ruin your day in a hurry. A headache will affect people differently and can be caused by a variety of issues, but we pride ourselves on being able to pinpoint the underlying cause of your headaches and develop a treatment plan that helps you overcome them. Below, we explain how the team at Hypercharge Clinic can help you put an end to your chronic headaches.

Treating The Root Cause Of Headache Onset

A number of the treatment techniques we use at Hypercharge Clinic work to treat the underlying cause of headaches. Three main causes of headache or migraine onset are:

  • Muscle tension
  • Acute injury to soft tissues in the head, neck and shoulders
  • Mitochondria dysfunction

We sit down with each patient to really understand what factors are likely contributing to their headache onset. Whether you’re struggling to deal with stress or you’ve recently suffered an injury, we’re confident that we can find the right solution for you. Here’s a look at some of the treatments we may recommend based on the root cause of your headaches:

  • Red Light/Class IV Laser Therapy – We’ve talked about the benefits of red light and Class IV laser therapy on the blog in the past, but it can be effective at treating many of the previously mentioned causes of headaches. Red light therapy and Class IV Laser therapy help to treat the body at the cellular level through a process known as photobiomodulation. By hitting the cells with light transmitted at a specific wavelength, we can actually improve cellular function. This allows the cell to conduct key processes or better repair itself, which can help heal soft tissue injuries and muscle tension that can contribute to headache onset.
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy – Another popular treatment technique is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). This technique works by pulsing soothing electromagnetic fields across certain areas of your body to stimulate and exercise your body’s cells. These magnetic fields interact with your cellular metabolism, working to make the process more efficient and leading to better circulation and tissue oxygenation. Decreased blood flow and limited tissue oxygenation are two contributing factors to many headaches, and patients are often amazed at how quickly headaches resolve once their cellular metabolism begins working more efficiently.
  • Vibroacoustic Therapy – Vibroacoustic therapy works by sending rhythmic sound waves and vibrations into your body to help align cellular frequency. You can get a better idea of how the therapy works by checking out this expanded blog post on the technique, but it has been shown to help reduce stress and improve blood flow to key areas of your body, which in turn can reduce or eliminate headache onset.

Don’t let headaches keep you from living the life you want to live. If you’ve tried other treatments for your chronic headaches and migraines and have not yet found relief, let the team of Hypercharge Clinic step in and help. Let us help you find a solution to your frequent headaches. For more information on the types of treatments we offer, or to see if we may be the right fit for your situation, give our team a call today at (763) 717-8745.