HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

About Us

HyperCharge™️ Human Performance and Recovery Clinics Origin Story

A Journey from Caution to Conviction

HyperCharge Clinic’s ethos isn’t just evident in the groundbreaking results our patients witness, but in the transformative experiences of our medical professionals. Many began their journeys here with the analytical skepticism innate to practitioners of western medicine. However, as they immersed themselves in the empirical evidence, coupled with their own firsthand experiences of these treatments, they transformed into fervent proponents. Their personal evolution from initial reservations to robust endorsement serves as a poignant testament to the profound potential and effectiveness of our methodologies. When physicians and healthcare experts themselves become the greatest advocates, it resonates as a powerful endorsement of our mission.

A signature of Stefano Sinicropi M.D
Pain therapy image

Age better. Feel better.

Our vision at HyperCharge Clinic is to bring about a paradigm shift in how we approach health, wellness, and disease. By targeting the core of our cells – the mitochondria – we aim to unlock a new era of precision medicine that promotes healing, wellness, and human performance like never before.

Professional Partnerships

Medical innovation begins at the grass roots of need. As medical professionals with many years of experience, the team at HyperCharge™ Clinic depends on the insight and mentorship of others throughout the medical community. Our goal of providing non-invasive healing modalities and preventing surgeries and/or years of discomfort is supported by these companies and partners who see the power of the technology and synergy of medical professionals redefining the limits of human performance, recovery, and longevity.

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