HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

Brainview Neural Scan

The Brainview Neural Scan is a non-invasive technology designed to assess brain function and provide valuable insights into your cognitive health. 

Now Offering the Brainview Neural Scan HyperCharge Clinic – Eden Prairie. Call to learn more:


Brainview Neural Scan $599

Technology Behind the Scan: The Brainview system utilizes a combination of technologies to capture a snapshot of your brain activity:
Electroencephalography (EEG): Measures electrical activity generated by your brain cells, providing information on overall brain function and connectivity.
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): Records brainwave responses to specific stimuli, offering insights into information processing speed and attention.
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Measures heart activity, which can be linked to brain function and stress levels.
A image of a hand and a brain

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    A Multi-Pronged Approach

    Our brains, like any other muscle, need exercise to stay sharp. However, millions of people worldwide face challenges with neurocognitive function. Here are some alarming statistics:

    Alzheimer's Disease

    Over 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease, and that number is projected to rise to 14 million by 2050 (https://www.alz.org/).


    Dementia affects over 50 million people globally, with Alzheimer's being the most common form (https://www.alzint.org/).


    An estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related concussions occur in the US annually (https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/index.html).

    Long COVID

    Studies suggest up to 30% of COVID-19 patients experience cognitive issues like "brain fog" after recovering

    Mental Health

    Depression and anxiety disorders affect millions of people globally, often impacting cognitive function.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    ASD can impact cognitive development and information processing in individuals (https://www.autismspeaks.org/).

    Parkinson's Disease

    While known for motor symptoms, Parkinson's can also affect cognitive function in later stages

    These statistics highlight the growing need for proactive brain fitness solutions.

    Benefits of the Brainview Neural Scan

    The Brainview scan offers several advantages for individuals seeking to optimize their cognitive health:
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    Early Detection of Cognitive Decline

    The scan can identify subtle changes in brain activity that might indicate early signs of age-related cognitive decline, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Early detection allows for proactive interventions that may slow or prevent further decline.
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    Evaluation of Brain Injury

    The Brainview scan can be used to assess brain function after a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI). This information can be crucial for guiding treatment plans and monitoring recovery progress.
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    Mental Health Assessment

    Brain activity patterns can offer insights into potential underlying causes of depression, anxiety, and ADHD. This can help healthcare professionals develop personalized treatment strategies.
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    Personalized Training Optimization

    By identifying areas of brain strength and weakness, the Brainview scan can inform the development of personalized brain training programs to target specific cognitive functions that require improvement.
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    Baseline for Monitoring Progress

    The Brainview scan can be used to establish a baseline measurement of your brain function. This allows you to track progress over time and gauge the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving cognitive health.
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    Optimize Brain Fitness

    Overall, the Brainview Neural Scan offers a safe, non-invasive way to gain valuable insights into your brain’s function. This information can empower you and your healthcare team to make informed decisions about your cognitive health and take proactive steps to optimize
    your brain fitness.

    Aspen Transcranial Laser Therapy

    This innovative therapy uses photobiomodulation (PBM) to deliver low-level laser light to the brain. PBM has shown promise in improving:
    Cognitive function
    Studies indicate PBM can enhance memory, focus, and information processing in healthy individuals and those with cognitive decline
    Mood and well-being
    PBM therapy may improve symptoms of depression and anxiety by promoting neurotransmitter production and neural health
    Neurological conditions
    Research suggests PBM can benefit various neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and concussion recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting neuronal repair

    Why is the Brain so Vulnerable?

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    High Oxygen User

    Your brain uses a lot of oxygen compared to other organs, making it more susceptible to free radical production.
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    Fewer Defenses

    The brain has fewer natural antioxidants compared to some other organs.
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    This is why oxidative stress is considered a major contributor to various brain conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and even depression.


    So, how do we fight the deleterious impact of oxidative stress on our cognitive system? What can be done to reduce protein misfolding or the buildup of unfolded proteins? This is where the powerful technology called NanoVi steps in.

    Oxidative stress is a primary cause of damage to the brain.

    Imagine your brain is a busy city, constantly using oxygen to power all its functions, like thinking, remembering, and feeling. But just like a city can get polluted, your brain can experience something similar called oxidative stress.