HyperCharge Performance & Longevity Clinic

We are all aware of the importance of regular exercise, but committing to and sticking with an exercise routine isn’t always easy. As our work and family lives get more hectic, you can find that exercise regularly gets pushed to the backburner, but that’s not great for our current and future health. Sticking with an exercise routine won’t be easy, but you can make the process a little less difficult by keeping a few tricks up your sleeve. In today’s blog, we share some tips for developing and sticking with an exercise routine.

Developing And Sticking With An Exercise Program

It’s wonderful that you want to develop an exercise routine that you’ll perform regularly, but thousands of Americans have this same thought every single day only to watch their plans fall apart almost as quickly as they came together. So how can you make it easier for yourself to actually stick to an exercise routine? Here’s some professional advice.

  1. Don’t Find Time, Make Time – One of the most common reasons why people say they don’t get regular exercise or stick with a program is because they say they don’t have time. We know that you live a busy life, so don’t just expect time to free up a couple times a week. Proactively make time to exercise. Whether that means getting up 20 minutes earlier or packing a gym bag so that you can save time by stopping at the gym on your way home from work, find ways to create time for exercise each week.
  2. Buddy Up – Exercise is oftentimes easier with a friend. They can take your mind off the stress of the activity and they can help keep you committed to a regular schedule. Just make sure that you buddy up with someone who has similar exercise goals. If they are someone who may back out of commitments or convince you to go grab a coffee instead of hitting the gym, they are going to be a detriment to your goals. Buddy up with someone who helps you achieve your exercise goals.
  3. Improve Your Sleep Pattern – If you’re feeling tired or fatigued, you may not have the energy to lace up your running shoes and go for a run. In order to feel more energized and ready to attack the day, you need to get quality sleep in the evening. Make it a point to get 7-8 hours of continuous sleep each night where you go to bed and wake up around the same time every day, which helps your body get in a healthy circadian rhythm. You’ll be more likely to exercise if you wake up feeling refreshed, so recharge your batteries each night with healthy sleep. If you’re struggling to get enough good sleep each night, consider talking with our team about trying out our sleep enhancement program.
  4. Treat Your Aches And Pains – Another common threat to your exercise routine is pain. Whether that’s in the form of chronic pain or muscle soreness following a workout, discomfort can make it so that you don’t want to push yourself physically. Treating aches and pains is something we do regularly at HyperCharge Clinic. We have a number of restorative health techniques that can help your body at the cellular level, improving its ability to repair muscle fibers and calm inflammation after strenuous activity. When pain and soreness is kept at bay, you’re more likely to keep pursuing physical activities. Let us help you overcome an old injury or improve your body’s natural cellular repair abilities so that movement remains comfortable and something that you continue to seek out regularly.
  5. Gradually Take On More – Finally, if you push yourself too hard at the outset, not only are you more likely to suffer an injury, but you’re also less likely to stick with your routine. Start slow and gradually take on more of a physical challenge. Your body and your mind will respond positively to these small successes, making you want to come back for more. Know that cultivating a rewarding exercise routine will take time, so start slow and begin to take on greater physical challenges as your body proves it can handle it.

Let us help you develop an exercise routine that you enjoy and stick to. For more information on sticking with an exercise routine, or for assistance overcoming pain and sleep disturbances, pick up the phone and call the team at HyperCharge Clinic today at (763) 717-8745.